Saturday, August 22, 2009


Waseh!!!did ya'll ever go for jogging in Kopungit??

Hohoho...the view was awoseme n itz a good spot for jogging activities...
y is that??

I tell ya'll, it can make ya'll sweat a lot when climbing the hillz...+ we also can stop by and take a rest 2 see an amazing view of airport in the neighbor
hood n the sea...hohoho

My bro bring me there 2 take some picz but i can't belie
ve i can easily tired this on my half way go there while my bro still have the
energy 2 move on...sooo less of stamina...


Here are some pic been taken while we w
ere there...
Early morning lagi that we go...ho
Very Hottt this but it was such a gr
eat exerci
se for me lo especially with my bro...hehe

Thatz a few picz that i would like 2 share with ya'll...
Hope ya'll like it n have a blessed day...^_^

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Finally my practical moment has come...

How is it gonna be ya??

I just hope itz gonna be such a great n incredible time for me in pursuing my dream & learning something new...hehe

I remember that my Dad did told me...
'When there is an opportunity, Grab it &don't let it go'

So thatz what i'm doing now...
whenever therez an opportunity for me, i just grab it with an open mind &positive attitude no matter i like it @ not^_^

Sooo what am i trying 2 tell 2 ya'll is that...
Don't be 2 choosy in everything you do coz it will affect u & the people around ya...

Just accept any oppurtunity with an open heart & positive attitude...
Even though u don't like it...take it as a challenge for ya in pursuing ur dream...

Like work??I know itz hard for us 2 get our dream job right??
Sooo y waste time...just accept lo any job which also help u in pursuing ur dream even though not in the way u always wanted...
But if u did get ur dream job the way u want it 2 happen then keep move on until u really achieve ur goal...

& sure u will succeed...hehe

Best of Luck for everyone^_^