Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Beach 3...^_^

Did ya'll ever go 2 beach 3 at nitez??
Huhuu!!I tell ya, it was awesome this...hehe... 2 me la + some few friend...

When ya'll have time, please feel free 2 go there & take a look...
ya'll also feel the same...hehe

Thatz all i wanna share...hehe
Had a great day^_^

Monday, June 15, 2009

Poemz for all...

I would like 2 share some of my favourite poemz;
1st Poemz:
"Roses are red,Violet are blue,
everytime I flash the toilet
I remember you..."

"Roses are red,Violet are blue,
If youre' parents said youre' beautiful
they're lying to you..."

"Roses are red,violet are blue,
If God made me beautiful,
What happened to you??

2nd Poemz:
"Guys drink to forget that girl"
"Girls do drink to think back about that Guy"

"When Guys are involve they become poor"
"When girls are involve they become pretty"

"Guys can forget but can't forgive"
"Girls can forgive but can't forget"

"When Guys are heartbroken, They try to forget about it by going out with other girls"
"When Girls are heartbroken, They try to find his character in other guys"

"Guys wish to be her first love"
"Girls always want to be his last love"

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Why is it happen 2 my Uncle...
He doesn't deserve it...It was such a tragedy...
He was a very gud man & friend 2 all...
I was totally shock!! when my father told us about the news during mass...
I feel like my heart beenz taken out...

Why does the man drive his track like that??!
I feel like it wasn't his time 2 go but unexpected situation happen 2 him...
I love him so much even though i'm not very closed 2 him but i can feel the love that he shared with his family & friendz...
Uncle please forgive us if therez something we,ve done that might hurt ya feel...

I pray that may ur soul rest in peace & may ya family have the strength 2 move with their seemz the house would be such a quiet place after you gone...
Dear god please take care of my uncle k coz i know you know whatz best for all of us & you have shown a lot of love & mercy 2 all...Thank you god for everthing you,ve given 2 him...please do take care of him k Jesus...
I pray also we all can forgive the person who make my uncle like that...please pray for us ya god...

& all, please pray for my uncle k...Thank you...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally Came True...Huhuu^_^

Have ya'll ever feel maybe 1 of ya'll dream, the thing that ya'll really really wantz the most @ want 2 do @ etc has finally came true which you really want it 2 be happen @ did it before??
Well...1 of mine ody came true...hehe
ya'll must be wandering right what is it?? Huahua

I was so happy until i wanna share it with all of ya...
Finally i have a chance 2 donate my Blood 2 those who needed it...Huhuuu...
I dunno why it makes me happy...haha
If can get 2 know who will take my blood,i will be proud oo...hehe but as long i can donate...ok ody for me...
Why is it??Hmm...
Coz for the past previous year...I was told that i can't donate my blood coz itz only enough for my own body & 2 skinny...I was totally dissapointed that time...Huahua
But i manage 2 know la what type of Blood do i have...& it is AB type...hehe

So today, while we are having lecture in class...we've been inform that H.E.Q will be using the class beside us for the blood donation...Then suddenly i wanna try for it &with the feel of confident that i can donate my i go check for it either i can donate @ not...huahua
When they told me that i can donate,i was totally happy this...cikit menangis...hahaha...tapi x juga la...huahua
But they only take a few of my blood la bout 250ml ka since it was my 1st time & since my weight only 45kg...huahua

Even though i only can donate bout 250ml...i know it will help a few people who needed it the most...hehe
Thank you God for let me share my blood 2 otherz...^_^
I feel totally grateful...hehe

So every1...if you think your body can donate some blood then go & donate it...coz with the help of your blood...a lotz & lotz of innocent life might be safe...So people go for it...don't think about the consequence after you donate your blood juz go for it oraitz...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Experience in Medan, Indonesia

After taking 2 flight...
Finally we all arrive in Medan, Indonesia...
I thought can take some rest ody knu coz tired...huahua
butt i was wrong...our guides doesn't
take us 2 hotel but 2 shopping & jalan2 pla...huahua

Our president that incharge for our 4 days 2 nitez trip
is Mr Richard ...
& our guides is Mr M...dunno what hez full name...what i know he told us 2 call him Mr M...then ok la...much easier for me la...huahua

It was an amazing trip especcially 2 Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni Church...
Finally i've seen the church with my own was amazing...hehe
well, not only that...the 1st time we join their Novena n Mass...for me la, i tell ya all it was a very beautiful novena n mass they make there...
why is it??

Coz all the people there really really come 2 2 say ahh??
For novena, therez rosary all of us have 2 kneel & pray the rosary together but the different is...if us here in malaysia la i take...there will be a person who speak half of the pray then we all continue right??

But therez a bit different...they do in the same way la but until Our father then when it comez 2 pray Hail mary otherz wil lead it... i mean it can be anybody ody...itz ody up 2 us who want 2 say it but still otherz have 2 continue the half hail mary also la...itz like not only 1 person leadz it but many...until the rosary finish & they include a song for every mystery finish...

I tell ya'll it was amazing but i never imagine that at that time i would feel all the burden that they carried juz by hearing they said Hail mary...I was in pain that time...i can't even stand up on my own that time until the mass started...every people that said Hail mary,if their burden is heavy i can feel it through my knee & my tears will out automatically that time also...

So, i feel very grateful even though itz hurt la...but i know god wantz me 2 pray for those who needed 2 be pray in order for them 2 move on their life & owez closed 2 god...
But thatz not only what i felt that time...when i closed my eyes coz i try 2 stop from crying but i can't then at that time also i saw some kind of vision about some1 which i don't understand what is it about...but again i know i'll get an answer bout it soon...

So, since therez a lot of picture taken...feel free 2 look at it in my facebook...hehe

So that a bit amazing experince from me...actually therez more but it will take a lotz of i tell my most & totally amazing moment in Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni lo...hehe
So,if ya'll think of going for holiday...don't forget 2 visit Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni kio...hehe

So all, have a great day & appreciate every moment coz you never know what will happen 2morro right??
God Bless ya all^_^
Have a Nice day...hehe

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Unduk Ngadau Moment...

A simple Kaamatan at balai raya but the management quite bad...dui
But ok la i guess even though tired gilaa!! since i'm 1 of the participant for unduk ngadau...haha
Now i know how tired is it gonna be for u 2 look as perfect as otherz in term of dress,make up, speak & the way you present your self...huahua + waiting for our turn...dui penat gila lo...
I feel like my back wanna break into pieces th

How 2 tell ya guys ah??this is my 1st experience in joining Unduk ngadau which make me feel totally tired, funny coz i didn't go for rehearsal last friday but on that day i'm the 1st participant lagi tat come out & introduce lagi hentam
ja la...huahua
& geram lo with the

What ya'll think??huahua
Do i got a chance 2 win??huahua
for me ok la but miring ckit pla sarung...haha
Sempat lagi this take picture before go for unduk ngadau...huahua

This is a few picture of kids unduk ngadau...
Tiut kan??hehe
& the winner for kids unduk ngadau is; hehe

A girl that holds num 7 is the winner!!

Ahh, this is a kids body builder...
also tiut tiut...kici kici also got the spirit lo wanna join this...dui gia...
i'm proud of them oo...hehe
for this contest, the winner is;

1 & only big boy among all...adik Rayner ka if i'm not mistaken...hehe

Ahh, this is our entertainer that day...huahua
Father amp; daughter oo like 2 sing...amazing lo...huuu
The father is the winner for Sugondoi 2006 ka & his daughter is the winner for Unduk ngadau 2008...wuawua
Amazing kan them...hehe

Finally itz our turn 2 represent our self infront of everyone...
Adeh!! me lgi the 1st that...huahua
Hentam ja lo...huahua

Cam gila oo...haha
After this body told me therez will be an elimination...
Terkejut this when they announce 2 person is eliminate but still got saguhati lo...huahua
actually therez 10 participant all together but 3 person are not able 2 join for certain2 reason...
So after 2 person eliminate then therez 5 person left...
Adeh, my target is 2 get the last place but move 2 the next round pla...
So i tell myself if i got the 5th place ok ody...coz i'm juz wanna have fun...

Ahh, we are the 5 last participant that manage 2 go 2 the next & last round...
which 1 ya'll think gonna be the winner??
Me??of course not...huahua

While waiting for the result 2 be count...
Suddenly this we all been ask 2 dance...Adeh!!
But thank god i ody learn the sazau papar...huahua

So, this year winner unduk ngadau 2009;hehe

Oo ya almost lupa...huahua
This 3 are the judges this year for all 3 contest if i'm not mistaken...maybe la...huahua
What i know they all not from papar la...dunno where they from...huahua
butt scary this coz Garang...hehe

Haha ok ,the winner is;

Participant num 4...huahua
Lawa also maa kan??
I thought participant num 5 gonna win butt 4 pla...huahua

& Me??huahua

Ok la 3rd place...huahua
Hentam hentam pun dapat 3rd place juga...
Lucu this...hahaha
But i feel so grateful also lo coz ada juga elaun momom...haha

This picture taken after kaamatan...huahua
Glad itz finally over...
I can go home & have some rest...huahua
Butt of course need 2 take a long shower 1st...huahua
Melekit badan...Adeh!!haha

Naa, i told ya'll i wanna take shower & rest right...huahua
But take picture 1st with the trophy...huahua

Ahh,this guy was acting like he is the 1 that won the troph...Adeh...haha
2 me he look like a farmer sasat menang trophy this suddenly...huahua
Juz kidding...
What ya'll think??
Doesn't he got the talent 2 be a model knu??haha
Kalah me kan??hehe

This 1 also future Model for Kg Limputong Papar...
Tiut kan...huahua